Preventing Data Breaches: Why Basic Controls Matter

Preventing data breaches starts with understanding that hackers aren’t always the biggest threat – human error often proves to be the weakest link in data security.

office desk with a computer screen displaying email software | preventing data breaches

The Cost of Privacy Controls

Ensuring you have the right privacy controls in place doesn’t need to cost a fortune. When it comes to preventing data breaches, simple measures can be highly effective. A few moments of careful checking before sending an email, or asking a colleague to verify the contents, can prevent costly mistakes – especially when handling personal information.

Learning from Real Examples

This story from the BBC demonstrates the need for remembering that sometimes these basic checks are all that are required to prevent an embarrassing leak of information.

A UK school emailed 86,000 lines of sensitive information to a couple.
Thankfully, the recipients:

  • Recognised the error immediately
  • Confirmed they deleted the data
  • Helped limit the extent of the breach

The school’s response demonstrated good practice. They had a robust data breach process in place and quickly informed both affected individuals and the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

office worker panicking after pressing send on an email | preventing data breaches

Understanding Your Legal Obligation

Don’t forget, under the UK GDPR, organisations must report certain personal data breaches to the relevant supervisory authorities within 72 hours of discovery. Effective strategies for preventing data breaches often come from understanding past incidents and implementing appropriate controls.

Your Response Plan

Consider these key questions:

  • How would your organisation prevent an ‘oops’ moment?
  • Would your staff know what to do if something went wrong?
  • What process should they follow?

Our team can help you implement basic controls

Don't wait for a data breach to happen.

If you or your team would like to implement basic controls or rehearse a breach notification process, be sure to contact us for more information. For peace of mind, expert guidance, and jargon-free training, we're here for you.

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