Minimising COVID-19 risks

We intend to operate as safely as possible during the coronavirus pandemic.

Here’s how we are complying with the government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19. We want to assure our employees, contractors, customers and visitors that we are doing everything we can to minimise the risk of COVID-19 in our workplace.


Who is currently working and where

Where possible, all members of the Risk Evolves team are working at home – we’re all very used to doing this and we have all the necessary IT in place. We are mindful that we do have some members of the team who are shielding and, whilst they continue to work as normal, they will not be undertaking any client facing meetings.

When we visit site, we will follow the site rules of our clients which will need to be shared with us at least seven days prior to any meeting. We will remain socially distanced from clients. All members of staff while working at client premises will bring their own hand sanitiser.

As you’d expect from a company with Cyber Essentials and ISO27001, we are taking steps to protect ourselves from the increasing number of COVID-19 related cyber related scams and viruses.

How we are conducting audits safely

Where possible, we will continue to work remotely. In line with guidance received from UKAS and from the various ISO certification bodies, internal audits will be conducted remotely. Support for external audits (i.e. when a certification body conducts their audit) will be determined on an individual basis in conjunction with the client and the certification body. For some clients (e.g. logistics or manufacturing businesses) we will need to conduct an onsite visit. We will take a ‘risk based approach’ to determining how to audits should be held, and will always discuss this with the client prior to any final decision being made.

Our number one priority is keeping our team members and clients safe.

When people are working

Our team will be working their normal hours, 9AM to 5PM, Monday to Friday.

Signage, training and communications

In our office in Kenilworth, Warwickshire, we have conducted a full risk assessment in conjunction with our landlord. Additional cleaning routines are in place, hand sanitisers are available in all office areas and rotas have been introduced for common areas such as kitchens. Where possible, staff will continue to work from home.

The resources we have available to support mental health and reduce stress

We’re mindful that many individuals have found the impact of a pandemic to have caused significant stress and anxieties. We have a qualified Mental Health First Aider who is available to support our team. In May 2020, we received refresher training specifically focused on issues related to COVID-19.

How we are managing our deliveries

Any deliveries to the office in Kenilworth will be received during the day by the reception team at Camden House following guidance from either Royal Mail or the Courier company. We receive very low numbers of deliveries or post. Once post or deliveries have been opened we will follow hand washing guidance and clean the area using antibacterial wipes.

How we are ensuring employees can travel to work safely

Where possible, we will continue to work from home. In the eventuality that a visit to a client needs to be made, this will be made either by car or by public transport. Where public transport is required,  we will use a face covering and gloves as per current government guidelines. We will reimburse employees for travel costs.

How we are ensuring that social distancing can be observed

All employees have been on numerous team calls where we discuss how client should be supported when we are working on site. We are acutely aware of the government guidance on social distancing.

Where possible, we will continue to work at home. If in the office, all employees will sit two metres apart. Communal areas will be accessed on a rota basis which is determined in conjunction with the other office occupiers.

How we are managing the provision and use of PPE

PPE is not typically required in our role and we do not envisage situations where social distancing is not possible. However, if employees do need to travel on public transport then we recommend the use of a face covering and gloves as per the government guidelines.

The additional cleaning and sanitisation procedures we have introduced

As above, additional cleaning is being performed in the Camden House office. Where possible, doors will be left open to avoid hand contact. The building has limited air conditioning and windows will be left open to allow air flow, as per government guidance. Hand sanitisers are available at reception and on all floors to ensure that all staff can observe good hygiene routines.

How we have revised our procedures for dealing with accidents in the workplace

We have a qualified first aid representative on site and are currently seeking additional guidance on how to minimise risks whilst ensuring that first aid can be given, if required.

The results of our full risk-assessment of the premises

A full copy of our risk assessment is available from the Managing Director.

Please get in touch to request a copy.

Who employees, contractors and visitors can contact with any questions or concerns

If you have any queries, concerns or recommendations for improvement, then these should be communicated to the Managing Director, Helen Barge via email to or by calling us on 01926 800710.

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