Cyber Essentials Price Increase – Is It Still Worth It?

Hello to all my fellow business warriors! Strap in, because I’ve got the lowdown on something that might make your digital heart skip a beat. Starting April 1st, 2024, getting your business’s cyber defences buffed up with a Cyber Essentials badge is going to cost a wee bit more. Thanks to the economic rollercoaster we’re all riding (cheers, supply chain shenanigans!), IASME, the cyber guardian angels behind Cyber Essentials, have had to nudge their prices up. But before you start flipping tables, let’s break down why this minor increase in price is still a golden ticket for your small business.

Why the Cyber Essentials Price Increase?

Okay, so the cost of doing business in our beloved UK is climbing faster than my kid in a jungle gym. And with everything getting pricier, it was only a matter of time before Cyber Essentials got caught in the wave. We’re talking a small bump up in price here, folks – nothing that should cause alarm. But, as we all know in the realm of small biz, every penny’s got a job. So, why should you still consider shelling out for Cyber Essentials in light of the upcoming Cyber Essentials price increase?
Cyber Essentials Price Increase Table
Please Note: the price of Cyber Essentials basic level assessment will increase from April 1st 2024.

Beyond the Cost: The Value of Cyber Essentials

Imagine a scenario where digital threats are constantly scheming to undermine your online operations. Now, consider Cyber Essentials as a robust defence mechanism, like having an expert guardian overseeing your cybersecurity, effectively helping to block these threats. The modest price adjustment for this certification can be seen as a small investment in keeping this high level of protection. It’s an investment that undoubtedly pays off.
Securing the Cyber Essentials certification is akin to empowering your business with an enhanced level of security. It not only strengthens your defences against digital threats but also signals to your customers—and indeed the world—that you take data protection seriously. This certification is not just a badge; it’s a statement of your business’s commitment to cybersecurity, making a strong impression in both customer trust and in competitive tenders, especially with the UK government’s procurement process. This blend of enhanced security and demonstrated commitment makes the certification an essential asset in today’s digital business landscape.

Peace of Mind & Free Cyber Insurance

Sure, there’s a slight bump in cost, but let’s focus on the big picture. This certification isn’t just a mark of credibility; it’s a comprehensive shield for your business’s cybersecurity. And the peace of mind that comes from averting a cyber disaster? Absolutely invaluable. What’s more, businesses with a turnover of under £20 million qualify for free cyber insurance, adding another layer of security. Recovering from a cyber incident can be chaotic and costly, and frankly, it’s something best avoided.

Cyber Essentials Price Increase: Adapt and Thrive

As we approach April 2024, let’s not sweat the small stuff. Instead, view this as an investment in your business’s defence system against online threats. Cyber Essentials stands as your committed protector in the digital realm and believe me, flaunting that badge is more than just trendy—it’s a statement that your business isn’t just surviving the digital age; it’s leading the charge, secure and battle-ready. Let us move forward with determination.

Don't wait for a cyberattack to strike.

Get your Cyber Essentials certification today and take steps to protect your business from the cyber nasties.

Contact us for peace of mind!

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